The Good AI: A Not-So-Good Investment in AI Essay Writing

June 19, 2023


Disclaimer: The information and statistics mentioned in this blog are based on our research and user feedback. We encourage readers to conduct their own investigation and exercise caution when using any AI writing tool.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized numerous industries, including the field of writing. With the emergence of AI-powered writing tools, such as The Good AI, students and professionals can now benefit from automated essay writing and outlining. However, not all AI tools are created equal, and it is essential to evaluate their effectiveness before making any investment. In this blog post, we will delve into the features and functionality of The Good AI and discuss why it falls short as a reliable essay writer and outliner.

Non-Intuitive Design and Grammar Mistakes

One of the fundamental aspects of an AI writing tool is its user interface and design. The Good AI fails to impress in this area, offering a very basic design that lacks intuitive features. Users often find it challenging to navigate through the tool, hindering their overall writing experience.

Furthermore, The Good AI claims to provide accurate and fast essay writing, but its performance leaves much to be desired. Users frequently encounter grammar mistakes and inaccuracies in the generated content, which significantly undermines the tool's credibility. It is frustrating to rely on an AI essay writer that cannot produce grammatically correct and coherent content consistently.

The Claim of Speed and Accuracy: An Unfulfilled Promise

The Good AI promotes itself as a fast and accurate essay writing tool. However, users' experiences tell a different story. While the tool may generate content quickly, the quality and accuracy suffer greatly. Investing in an AI essay writer that compromises the integrity of the content is not a wise decision. Accuracy and reliability should be the top priorities when considering an AI writing tool, and unfortunately, The Good AI fails to meet these expectations.

The Worst AI Essay Outliner

In addition to its subpar essay writing capabilities, The Good AI offers an outlining feature that proves to be lackluster. Outlining is an essential step in the writing process, helping users organize their thoughts and structure their essays effectively. Regrettably, The Good AI's outlining functionality falls short, lacking the coherence and logical flow required for a well-structured essay.


Q: Is The Good AI worth the investment?

A: Based on our research and user feedback, The Good AI is not considered a worthwhile investment due to its non-intuitive design, grammar mistakes, and lack of accuracy.

Q: Are there any alternatives to The Good AI?

A: Yes, there are several AI writing tools available that offer better performance and accuracy, such as AI Writer and Smart Essay Generator. It is recommended to explore these alternatives before making a decision.

Q: Can The Good AI be used for professional writing?

A: While The Good AI may be suitable for simple writing tasks, it is not recommended for professional writing due to its grammar mistakes and lack of coherence.


In conclusion, The Good AI falls short as an AI essay writing and outlining tool. Its non-intuitive design, grammar mistakes, and inaccurate content make it a poor investment of money. When it comes to AI writing tools, it is crucial to prioritize accuracy, reliability, and user experience. Before making any investment, it is advisable to explore other alternatives in the market that provide superior performance and can truly enhance the writing process.

Disclaimer: The information and statistics mentioned in this blog are based on our research and user feedback. We encourage readers to conduct their own investigation and exercise caution when using any AI writing tool.

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